What are they?
In our original Where to Begin post, we mention the use of Oracle Cards on the 4 Wild Women journey. These are tools that can be used for guidance and direction on your path. When we refer to Oracle Cards, it’s meant as a general term that includes Tarot cards. However, Tarot cards are considered to have more historical origins with a distinct format, standard structure of 78 cards subject to specific interpretations and rules. As such, Tarot Cards can take some time to learn - though you can certainly use them as we have without this in-depth knowledge.
Other Oracle Card decks cover a range of subjects (fairies, angels, Goddesses, crystals, etc.) and can contain any number of cards. Interpretations for each deck are unique and most card decks come with a booklet to explain each card. Some booklets suggest card spreads if you’re looking for a more comprehensive reading than what you might get from picking a single card.
How to choose a deck
My first oracle deck was gifted to me and over the years I have received many decks from clients and friends. Only recently have I purchased two new decks for myself – Joie de Vivre (Tarot) and Crystal Healing. It’s important to select a card deck that speaks to you. We recommend you start with one deck and work with it for as long as it resonates with you. And sometimes that changes over time. We have used Sacred Path cards here as our main deck for many years because we have always found them to be so relevant. However, this year, as our interests and consciousness shifts, we will be experimenting more regularly with some other oracle decks, including the Spiritsong (Tarot) and Moonology decks.
When you get a new deck and each time you use it, it’s good idea to cleanse it. This removes any energies that it may have attracted that could impact your reading. You can do this in many ways, such as setting it out on a table under the full moon, placing crystals like selenite or quartz with the deck, or simply knocking on the deck 3 times before you use it. Personally, I always stored my card decks in a drawer with a large piece of quartz. or on a table by the window under the full moon. Here’s an article with more information on this topic.
When and how to draw cards
Again, there are no set rules for picking a card. You can choose to select a card every day or at any time you are seeking clarity on an issue. The 4 Wild Women choose cards collectively on the New Moon and we do a card spread together on the Equinoxes and Solstices. We will discuss the relevance of the moon cycles and seasonal transitions in the future in another post.
Most importantly, when you decide to pick a card, you need to get grounded and be clear about your intention. You might simply take a couple of breaths and ask, “What do I need to know today?” or you might be seeking guidance on a specific issue, which you would ponder as you shuffle the cards. When a card pops out, that is the one we select. However, there is no set way to choose a card. You might also spread them on a table and pick the one that calls you. The point is to be present and mindful when doing this.
How to make the most of your reading
We keep track of the cards we choose in our journals because sometimes the message is not immediately clear. You might need to sit with it to see how it addresses your query. And it’s always fun to go back and review the messages you’ve received. You may also wish to journal about the card selected and your interpretation of the message. If you choose cards with a friend, they may also have a different perspective on the meaning which can be shared
We hope this gives you a bit of information to start if you’re new to using oracle cards or looking to deepen your experience with them. There’s a lot of sites online that address this topic in more detail should you wish to dig a bit deeper.

I'm finally in! I purchased Soul Journey cards. I wish I'd read more about James Van Bragh before I bought them . Not so comfortable with his use of God frequently. I do have goddess cards and angel cards,, so can use them, too.
What is your favorite Oracle Card deck?